Monday, 19 December 2016

How to prevent baby dumping ???

Long-term solutions to the problem of baby dumping require efforts at prevention. Steps must be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies, provide assistance to parents in crisis, and increase communication within families and communities.

  • Sexuality Education
Baby dumping presumably results from unwanted pregnancy. To prevent baby dumping, it is therefore ultimately necessary to educate individuals about sexuality. We supports age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education, and recommends that schools and communities provide comprehensive sexuality education to all youth and families.
  • Responding to Unwanted Pregnancy
Individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies must receive support and services. Communities should examine their capacity to provide the range of supports and services needed by individuals experiencing unwanted pregnancies. These services must also be publicized; people cannot use services that they do not know about. Finally, education efforts should strive to increase communication among youth, families, and communities. Increased communication may minimize the shame and secrecy associated with an unwanted pregnancy and make young people more likely to take advantage of supports and services in their families and communities.

The other ways to prevent this problem are :

- focusing the prevention programs towards the regions and categories of population with increased risks of dumping;
- setting up a coherent reporting and monitoring system as regards the dumping and the risk of abandonment;
- hiring social workers in all sanitary units depending on the number of doctors existing in the unit;
- hiring community medical assistants and physicians in all the communities presenting increased risks of dumping;
- standardizing the written forms and the procedures of registering women which get admitted in maternities in order to give birth;
- elaborating procedures for keeping records of mothers and children without identity papers and creating a database on this matter.

" Having sex after marriage is safer and it can reduce the abortion and baby dumping rate. It also helps us be more responsible and not to have sex just to satisfy our lust "

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